Graduate Student – PhD

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at UOIT, co-supervised by Dr. Christopher Collins and Dr. Fanny Chevalier. My main interest lies in mixed-initiative visual analytics. I’m currently developing a framework to formalize and guide the design of semi-automated narratives or tours to prompt and sustain the process of data exploration.
I received my Master’s in Computer Science from UOIT in 2015 under the co-supervision of Dr. Christopher Collins and Dr. Mark Hancock. My thesis focused on leveraging free-form ink annotations, made when performing a close reading, as implicit interactions to augment a literary critic’s analysis process with real-time context-specific metadata.
If you’d like to know more about my work, send me an email ( or connect with me on LinkedIn.
H. Mehta, A. Chalbi, F. Chevalier, and C. and Collins, “DataTours: A Data Narratives Framework,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis), Posters, 2017.
author = {Hrim Mehta and Amira Chalbi and Fanny Chevalier and and Christopher Collins},
title = {DataTours: A Data Narratives Framework},
booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis), Posters},
series = {Poster},
address = {Phoenix, USA},
year = 2017
} -
H. Mehta, A. J. Bradley, M. Hancock, and C. Collins, “Metatation: Annotation as Implicit Interaction to Bridge Close and Distant Reading,” ACM Trans. on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), p. 35:1–35:41, 2017.
title={Metatation: Annotation as Implicit Interaction to Bridge Close and Distant Reading},
author={Hrim Mehta and Adam James Bradley and Mark Hancock and Christopher Collins},
journal = {ACM Trans. on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)},
pages = {35:1–35:41},
articleno = {35},
numpages = {41},
doi = {10.1145/3131609}
} -
A. J. Bradley, H. Mehta, Mark Hancock, and C. Collins, “Visualization, Digital Humanities, and the Problem of Instrumentalism,” in IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH), 2016.
author = {Adam James Bradley and Hrim Mehta and Mark Hancock, and Christopher Collins},
title = {Visualization, Digital Humanities, and the Problem of Instrumentalism},
booktitle = {IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH)},
year = 2016,
venue = {Baltimore, USA},
eventdate = {2016-10-24}
} -
H. Mehta, “Augmenting Free-Form Annotations with Digital Metadata for Close Reading of Poetry,” Master Thesis, 2015.
author = {Hrim Mehta},
title = {Augmenting Free-Form Annotations with Digital Metadata for Close Reading of Poetry},
school = {University of Ontario Institute of Technology},
year = 2015
} -
B. Kondo, H. Mehta, and C. Collins, “Glidgets: Interactive Glyphs for Exploring Dynamic Graphs,” Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis), 2014.
author = {Brittany Kondo and Hrim Mehta and Christopher Collins},
title = {Glidgets: Interactive Glyphs for Exploring Dynamic Graphs},
booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Conf. on Information Visualization (InfoVis)},
note = {Best Poster Award},
series = {Poster},
address = {Paris, France},
year = 2014
vialab Team
Benedict Leung
Graduate Student - MSc
Christopher Collins
Professor, Lab Director
Reese Dominguez
Undergraduate Student
Tania Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – MSC
Mariana Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – PhD
Deval Panchal
Undergraduate Student
vialab Alumni
Adam Bradley
Research Associate
Adeliz Keith
Graduate Student – MSC
Akshay Manchanda
Undergraduate Student
Alexie Linardatos
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate
Bridget Green
Undergraduate Student
Brittany Kondo
Graduate Student — MSc
Daniel Earley
Undergraduate Student
Erik Paluka
Graduate Student — MSc
Gabrielle Perez Dias
Graduate Student — MSc
Jessica Zipf
Graduate Student — PhD
Jonathan Perry
Undergraduate Student
Kalev Kalda Sikes
Intern and Undergraduate Student
Mario Velazquez
Undergraduate Student, Lab Coordinator
Martin Truong
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate
Meng-Wei (Daniel) Chang
Graduate Student — MSc
Michael Lombardo
Undergraduate Student
Mona Hosseinkhani Loorak
Graduate Student — PhD
Pablo Valenzuela
Graduate Student – MSC
Prateek Panwar
Graduate Student – MSc
Rafael Veras
Graduate Student — PhD
Rhys Agombar
Undergraduate Student
Riley Weagant
Graduate Student – MSC
Santiago Bonada
Undergraduate Student
Stephen McIntyre
Graduate Student — MSc
Taurean Scantlebury
Senior Honours Undergraduate Student
Taylor Smith
Undergraduate Student
Thao Truong
Undergraduate Student
Tommaso Elli
Graduate Student — PhD
Vital Golub
Undergraduate Student
Zachary Cook
SurfNet Intern/Undergraduate Student
Zachary Hills
Software Developer
Chris Kim
Graduate Student – PHD
Mennatallah El-Assady
Graduate Student – PhD
Hrim Mehta
Graduate Student – PhD
Zixin Zhao
Graduate Student – MSC
Feiyang Wang
Graduate Student – MSC
Mohammed Ahmed
Graduate Student – MSC
Kevin Desousa
Graduate Student
Shawn Yama
Undergraduate Student
Nathan Beals
Undergraduate Student
Anthony Kouroupis
Undergraduate Student
Matthew Chan
Alumni – MSC
Ethan Duggan
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate