Research Associate

Adam Bradley, BA (McMaster) MA (Waterloo), holds a Ph.D. in English Language and Literature and Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is currently a Research Associate in the Vialab. Adam’s overall work is concerned with the intersections between technology and traditional literary studies with a focus on early 20th century poetics. His MA research project, titled “Data Visualization and the Avant-Garde Aesthetic” was a digital humanities project completed in conjunction with the English department’s Critical Media Lab and the Engineering department’s Touchlab. His project investigated whether shifting the aesthetics of a given text can offer new insights into the study of its structure and how the integrity of that text can be maintained within this paradigm. His current work focuses on digital tool design for literary criticism and language visualization.
T. Elli, A. Bradley, C. Collins, U. Hinrichs, Z. Hills, and K. Kelsky, “Tied In Knots: A Case Study on Anthropographic Data Visualization About Sexual Harassment in the Academy,” in VISAP ’20, 2020.
author = {Tommaso Elli and Adam Bradley and Christopher Collins and Uta Hinrichs and Zachary Hills and Karen Kelsky},
title = {Tied In Knots: A Case Study on Anthropographic Data Visualization About Sexual Harassment in the Academy},
booktitle = {VISAP ’20},
month = {October},
year = {2020},
publisher = {IEEE},
} -
F. Wang, A. J. Bradley, and C. Collins, “Eye Tracking for Target Acquisition in Sparse Visualizations,” in ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 2020.
author = {Wang, Feiyang and Bradley, Adam James and Collins, Christopher},
booktitle = {ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications},
title = {Eye Tracking for Target Acquisition in Sparse Visualizations},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450371346},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
doi = {10.1145/3379156.3391834},
} -
K. W. Hall, A. J. Bradley, U. Hinrichs, S. Huron, J. Wood, C. Collins, and S. Carpendale, “Design by Immersion: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Problem-Driven Visualizations,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE InfoVis 2019), vol. 26, iss. 1, pp. 109-118, 2020.
author = {Kyle Wm. Hall and Adam J. Bradley and Uta Hinrichs and Samuel Huron and Jo Wood and Christopher Collins and Sheelagh Carpendale},
title = {Design by Immersion: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Problem-Driven Visualizations},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE InfoVis 2019)},
pages = {109–118},
number = 1,
volume = 26,
doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2019.2934790},
year = 2020
} -
A. J. Bradley, V. Sawal, and C. Collins, “Approaching Humanities Questions Using Slow Visual Search Interfaces,” in Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities at IEEE VIS, 2019.
author = {Adam James Bradley and Victor Sawal and Christopher Collins},
title = {Approaching Humanities Questions Using Slow Visual Search Interfaces},
booktitle = {Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities at IEEE VIS},
year = 2019
} -
A. J. Bradley, V. Sawal, S. Carpendale, and C. Collins, “Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts,” DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly, vol. 13, iss. 3, 2019.
title={Textension: Digitally Augmenting Document Spaces in Analog Texts},
author={Bradley, Adam James and Sawal, Victor and Carpendale, Sheelagh and Collins, Christopher},
journal={DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly},
} -
A. J. Bradley, M. El-Assady, K. Coles, E. Alexander, M. Chen, C. Collins, S. Jänicke, and D. J. Wrisley, “Visualization and the Digital Humanities: Moving Toward Stronger Collaborations,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 38, 2018.
author = {Adam James Bradley and Mennatallah El-Assady and Katharine Coles and Eric Alexander and Min Chen and Christopher Collins and Stefan Jänicke and David Joseph Wrisley},
title = {Visualization and the Digital Humanities: Moving Toward Stronger Collaborations},
year = 2018,
month = dec,
journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
volume = 38,
issue = 6
} -
A. J. Bradley, C. Collins, V. Sawal, and S. Carpendale, “Textension: Digitally Augmenting Analog Texts Using Mobile Devices,” MobileVis Workshop at ACM CHI, 2018.
author = {Adam James Bradley and Christopher Collins and Victor Sawal and Sheelagh Carpendale},
title = {Textension: Digitally Augmenting Analog Texts Using Mobile Devices},
booktitle = {MobileVis Workshop at ACM CHI},
year = 2018,
note = {CHI Workshop Paper}
} -
P. Panwar, A. Bradley, and C. Collins, “Detecting Negative Emotion for Mixed Initiative Visual Analytics,” in Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics, 2018.
author = {Prateek Panwar and Adam Bradley and Christopher Collins},
title = {Detecting Negative Emotion for Mixed Initiative Visual Analytics},
booktitle = {Machine Learning from User Interaction for Visualization and Analytics},
year = 2018
} -
U. Hinrichs, M. El-Assady, A. J. Bradley, S. Forlini, and C. Collins, “Risk the Drift! Stretching Disciplinary Boundaries through Critical Collaborations between the Humanities and Visualization,” in IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH), 2017.
key = {hin2017},
author = {Uta Hinrichs and Mennatallah El-Assady and Adam James Bradley and Stefania Forlini and Christopher Collins},
title = {Risk the Drift! Stretching Disciplinary Boundaries through Critical Collaborations between the Humanities and Visualization},
booktitle = {IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH)},
year = 2017,
publisher = {IEEE}
} -
H. Mehta, A. J. Bradley, M. Hancock, and C. Collins, “Metatation: Annotation as Implicit Interaction to Bridge Close and Distant Reading,” ACM Trans. on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), p. 35:1–35:41, 2017.
title={Metatation: Annotation as Implicit Interaction to Bridge Close and Distant Reading},
author={Hrim Mehta and Adam James Bradley and Mark Hancock and Christopher Collins},
journal = {ACM Trans. on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)},
pages = {35:1–35:41},
articleno = {35},
numpages = {41},
doi = {10.1145/3131609}
} -
A. J. Bradley, H. Mehta, Mark Hancock, and C. Collins, “Visualization, Digital Humanities, and the Problem of Instrumentalism,” in IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH), 2016.
author = {Adam James Bradley and Hrim Mehta and Mark Hancock, and Christopher Collins},
title = {Visualization, Digital Humanities, and the Problem of Instrumentalism},
booktitle = {IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH)},
year = 2016,
venue = {Baltimore, USA},
eventdate = {2016-10-24}
} -
R. Sevastjanova, M. El-Assady, A. J. Bradley, C. Collins, M. Butt, and D. Keim, “VisInReport: Complementing Visual Discourse Analytics through Personalized Insight Reports”, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, p. 1, 2021.
author={Sevastjanova, Rita and El-Assady, Mennatallah and Bradley, Adam James and Collins, Christopher and Butt, Miriam and Keim, Daniel},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
title={VisInReport: Complementing Visual Discourse Analytics through Personalized Insight Reports},
vialab Team
Benedict Leung
Graduate Student - MSc
Christopher Collins
Professor, Lab Director
Reese Dominguez
Undergraduate Student
Tania Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – MSC
Mariana Shimabukuro
Graduate Student – PhD
Deval Panchal
Undergraduate Student
vialab Alumni
Adam Bradley
Research Associate
Adeliz Keith
Graduate Student – MSC
Akshay Manchanda
Undergraduate Student
Alexie Linardatos
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate
Bridget Green
Undergraduate Student
Brittany Kondo
Graduate Student — MSc
Daniel Earley
Undergraduate Student
Erik Paluka
Graduate Student — MSc
Gabrielle Perez Dias
Graduate Student — MSc
Jessica Zipf
Graduate Student — PhD
Jonathan Perry
Undergraduate Student
Kalev Kalda Sikes
Intern and Undergraduate Student
Mario Velazquez
Undergraduate Student, Lab Coordinator
Martin Truong
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate
Meng-Wei (Daniel) Chang
Graduate Student — MSc
Michael Lombardo
Undergraduate Student
Mona Hosseinkhani Loorak
Graduate Student — PhD
Pablo Valenzuela
Graduate Student – MSC
Prateek Panwar
Graduate Student – MSc
Rafael Veras
Graduate Student — PhD
Rhys Agombar
Undergraduate Student
Riley Weagant
Graduate Student – MSC
Santiago Bonada
Undergraduate Student
Stephen McIntyre
Graduate Student — MSc
Taurean Scantlebury
Senior Honours Undergraduate Student
Taylor Smith
Undergraduate Student
Thao Truong
Undergraduate Student
Tommaso Elli
Graduate Student — PhD
Vital Golub
Undergraduate Student
Zachary Cook
SurfNet Intern/Undergraduate Student
Zachary Hills
Software Developer
Chris Kim
Graduate Student – PHD
Mennatallah El-Assady
Graduate Student – PhD
Hrim Mehta
Graduate Student – PhD
Zixin Zhao
Graduate Student – MSC
Feiyang Wang
Graduate Student – MSC
Mohammed Ahmed
Graduate Student – MSC
Kevin Desousa
Graduate Student
Shawn Yama
Undergraduate Student
Nathan Beals
Undergraduate Student
Anthony Kouroupis
Undergraduate Student
Matthew Chan
Alumni – MSC
Ethan Duggan
Lab Coordinator, Undergraduate