S. McIntyre, M. J. Eklund, and C. Collins, “Using Visual Analytics of Heart Rate Variation to Aid in Diagnostics,” in AVI Workshop on Valuable Visualization of Healthcare Information: From the Quantified Self Data to Conversations, 2016, pp. 20-27.
title = {Using Visual Analytics of Heart Rate Variation to Aid in Diagnostics},
author = {Stephen McIntyre and J. Mikael Eklund and Christopher Collins},
pages = {20 — 27},
booktitle = {AVI Workshop on Valuable Visualization of Healthcare Information: From the Quantified Self Data to Conversations},
year = 2016,
editor = {Federico Cabitza and Daniela Fogli and Massimiliano Giacomin and Angela Locoro},
number = 1658,
url = {ceur-ws.org/Vol-1658},
organization = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings},
issn = {1613-0073},
venue = {Bari, Italy},
eventdate = {2016-06-07},